Finally, San Francisco!
Neither of us slept very well last night - too much anticipation on getting to San Francisco. We had an easy ride through Marin and into San Francisco. Our Adventure Cycling maps had a nice route through Marin though there were lots of small twists and turns to follow while you were riding. Arn had planned a route to Norm & Kate's house using some software that tries to maximize use of bike routes/lanes and minimize hills while in San Francisco.
Not surprisingly, there was lots of fog on the Golden Gate Bridge but none in the city or in Marin today. In fact, it is one of the warmest days we remember in the city. It was so great to be welcomed into the city by Norm and Kate and some cold Coke Zero. Deborah even quickly got her pizza craving satisfied at lunch!
Our plan from here is to chill in the city till Saturday. Then on Saturday bike to the house of our friends, Tim & Karen, in San Mateo for dinner. We'll start on Sunday towards San Luis Obispo though the next blog post will probably not be until Monday. After SLO, we'll do some riding down there and then back up in the Bay Area and, finally, will return to Seattle on Tuesday October 14th.
Congrats on making San Francisco! Just in time for the best weather of the year.
Congratulation on a big milestone!
You are both looking strong.
Stay safe.
Great to hear about your adventures. Hope to see you on your return from SLO.
=Alan (& Judy)
Felicitaciones! It sounds like a really nice trip and the most important is that you guys are sharing this experience with each other. Buena suerte en el resto del viaje.
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